Heralded as a one of the key sparks to Nebraska's modern rise to football dominance, Johnny Rodgers has an untold story. No longer is it untold · in Johnny's own words we hear the amazing account of his challenging upbringing, his captivating evolution as a young athlete, his recruitment to Nebraska, and yes that fateful day where a young Johnny decided to liberate some cash from a local gas station. Why will 5% of Nebraska's population continue to sell-out Husker home games in 2017? Credit a select few: Bob Devaney, Tom Osborne, Charlie McBride, Milt Tenopir, Woody Varner, George Sullivan, Boyd Epley, Doak Ostergard, Ursula Walsh, and at the head of the list of players · Omaha's own, Johnny The Jet! A heartfelt detailed 5 page forward by Coach Osborne, Johnny's recruiter and position coach. 212 pages, limited edition hard back book. Hand signed by Johnny ·The Jet· Rodgers with tag line ·Every Day is Game Day!·.